
Healthcare Burnout: Strategies for Recovery and Prevention

Acute Care
Nurse Retention
Healthcare Burnout: Strategies for Recovery and Prevention E-Book

Download this e-book to:

  • Understand healthcare burnout, its signs, symptoms, and impacts.
  • Review common causes of burnout across different domains and how they manifest within organizations and individuals.
  • Consider strategies to help individuals and teams recover from burnout and prevent it from recurring.

About this e-book

Healthcare professionals continue to be at risk for burnout due to the global health crisis and healthcare staffing shortages, which have only increased that threat. To avoid losing staff and protect patient outcomes, healthcare leaders must promote a positive work environment and ensure they are caring for their staff’s well-being. In this e-book, learn how to combat burnout by understanding when and why it happens, and what you, as a leader, can do about it.

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